The purpose of this study was to examine the prevalence of Vibrio cholerae in environmental water samples by using a series of biochemical tests. A total of 223 V. cholerae-like bacteria were isolated from TCBS agar after spreading the alkaline peptone water enriched sewer (n = 21) and water (n = 16) samples. All oxidase positive isolates were subjected to confirmation for V. cholerae by seven other biochemical tests and polymerase chain reaction. Only 74.2% isolates were found to be V. cholerae by PCR using primers against an outer membrane protein (ompW) gene, out of which only 2 isolates were positive for cholera toxin (ctxAB) gene. Among the various biochemical tests studied, arginine hydrolysis, arabinose fermentation and string test showed 92 - 100% sensitivity and 42 - 67% specificity. Eight isolates including the toxigenic ones, showed agglutination with V. cholerae O1 antiserum. The present study showed that no biochemical test is 100% specific for V. cholerae. However, a few tests, if performed in a sequence after growing the alkaline peptone water enriched samples onto TCBS media can be used for screening of V. cholerae from the environmental samples. This study also showed that most of the environmental isolates are non-O1/non-O139 and the chances of presence of toxigenic V. cholerae are very rare in the environment.