This study evaluated the effects of lung volume reduction surgery (LVRS) on the heterogeneity of lung function in awake, late-stage emphysema patients with measurements taken before and after full recovery from LVRS. We assessed standard clinical measures of lung function and functional heterogeneity in six awake, late-stage emphysema patients before and 6 months after LVRS. Functional heterogeneity was quantified by measuring dynamic inspiratory resistance (R(L)(insp)) and elastance (E(L)(insp)) over a frequency range that included normal breathing ( approximately 0.33-8 Hz). Since LVRS involves targeted resection of emphysematous regions of the lung, we hypothesized that emphysema patients would be functionally more homogeneous post-LVRS. We also compared our measures of functional heterogeneity with indices of anatomic heterogeneity and severity using high-resolution computed tomography (HRCT). After LVRS, 6 min walk distance increased by 22% (940+/-91 versus 1158+/-299, p=0.031) and recoil pressure at TLC increased (9.0+/-2.0 versus 14+/-5, p=0.031), but changes in R(L)(insp) and E(L)(insp) varied greatly between subjects. A measure of anatomic severity quantified using HRCT positively correlated with airway resistance (r(s)=0.89, p=0.048). These results suggest that subjects with more severe disease as assessed by HRCT criteria had reduced overall effective airway caliber consequent to active airway constriction, reduced parenchymal tethering, and/or loss of parallel lung units. Furthermore, LVRS may not necessarily improve lung function via a substantial reduction in mechanical heterogeneity.