Context: Until recently, rural and remote health researchers have undertaken predominantly investigator-driven research. In Canada and elsewhere, major health research funding agencies have begun to expect researchers to incorporate into funding proposals, a well-developed plan for sharing research findings with decision-makers, those who can incorporate relevant findings into clinical practice, programs and services.
Issue: The research arising from the interests of investigators, although frequently relevant to communities, too often has resulted in data extraction that parallels resource extraction from resource-based rural or remote communities. Such research can result in non-usable findings, and in the non-use of research findings by decision-makers.
Lessons learned: In order that useful and usable knowledge is created, bridges need to be built between researchers and decision-makers. Six 'rules for researchers' are proposed to help build bridges with decision-makers: Rule 1. Engage the right decision-makers; Rule 2. Determine what's in it for you and for them; Rule 3. Develop a sustained relationship; Rule 4. Live in their world once in a while; Rule 5. Think of doing research differently; Rule 6. Build integrative research infrastructures.