During the last two years, a triple-to-double coincidence ratio (TDCR) system was assembled and adjusted at the CNEA-LMR, Argentina. The new counting system will add complementary capabilities to the absolute measurements section of the CNEA-LMR. This work describes its implementation and validation. Several checks and a set of beta-emitting standard solutions were used in order to perform the validation experiments. In preliminary measurements, a 3H LNHB solution with reference activity concentration of (119.7+/-0.9) kBq/g on 11 November 2003 was used. The CNEA-LMR TDCR counter gave, at the same reference date, an activity concentration of (120+/-1) kBq/g. Results and improvements are presented in detail. Concerning the asymmetry of the system, the quantum efficiency of the three photomultiplier tubes was studied for different operating conditions of the focusing voltage. The counter also includes an automatic system to change the efficiency by defocusing the photomultipliers and on the other hand, it was coupled to a HPGe detector to also measure beta-gamma coincidences.