The urinary metabolites of methylone in humans and rats were investigated by analysing urine specimens from its abuser and after administrating to rats with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (LC-ESI MS), using authentic standards. The time-course excretion profiles of methylone and its three metabolites in rats were further investigated after a single intraperitoneal dosing of 5 mg kg-1 methylone hydrochloride. Two major metabolic pathways were revealed for both humans and rats as follows: (1) side-chain degradation by N-demethylation to the corresponding primary amine methylenedioxycathinone (MDC), partly conjugated; and (2) demethylenation followed by O-methylation of either a 3- or 4-OH group on the benzene ring to produce 4-hydroxy-3-methoxymethcathinone (HMMC) or 3-hydroxy-4-methoxymethcathinone (3-OH-4-MeO-MC), respectively, mostly conjugated. Of these metabolites, HMMC was the most abundant in humans and rats. The cumulative amount of urinary HMMC excreted within the first 48 h in rats was approximately 26% of the dose, and the amount of the parent methylone was not more than 3%. These results demonstrate that the analysis of HMMC will be indispensable for proof of the use of methylone in forensic urinalysis.