RIIIS/J mice lack an autosomal dominant gene(s) that influences the magnitude of the antibody response to several polysaccharide antigens of bacterial origin. Low responsiveness is demonstrable whether polysaccharide is administered as a T-helper-cell-independent or -dependent antigen conjugated to an immunogenic carrier; however, RIIIS/J mice make good anti-hapten antibody responses to haptenated polysaccharides. The low antibody responses of RIIIS/J mice to type III pneumococcal polysaccharide do not appear to be the results of an imbalance in the activity of regulatory T lymphocytes. Compared with other strains of mice, RIIIS/J mice elicit low antibody responses to lipopolysaccharide (LPS). They do not develop a cyclic primary or secondary antibody response to Escherichia coli O113 LPS; the latter is not due to a lack of mitogenic response to E. coli O113 LPS. They also produce auto-anti-idiotypic antibody after being immunized with trinitrophenyl-Ficoll.