The aim of this study was to examine whether a spontaneous immune response controls neoplastic growth in P815-bearing DBA/2 mice, and to characterize the cells involved in tumor resistance in vivo. Several cell lineages such as T-cell-receptor (TcR)-bearing T cells, NK cells and macrophages mediate some anti-tumor activity in vitro. P815 was chosen as a model because it is weakly immunogenic and is a good target both for tumor-specific, MHC-restricted CTL-mediated lysis and for MHC-unrestricted lysis exerted by long-term cultured lymphocytes or activated macrophages. Since most "NK-like activity" in freshly isolated populations appears to be associated with CD3- cells, whereas antigen-specific, MHC-restricted T cells mostly express CD3 determinants, CD3 was a good marker for evaluating the role of T cells and "NK" cells in tumor resistance in vivo. The survival of anti-CD3-treated animals that were inoculated with tumor cells was strongly reduced (mean survival time: 17 days vs. 40 days for the control group) and was associated with increased tumor growth rate. We followed the same approach to define the T-cell subset(s) that mediate(s) this immune response. Both CD4+ and CD8+ T cells were required for induction of immune control on neoplastic growth. The approach used has revealed the important role of CD4+ T cells in immune responses that control in vivo growth of a class-I-positive, class-II-negative tumor and suggests that these cells may play a central role in tumor resistance. Since CD4+ cells are activated by soluble, exogenous proteins, this finding may have important implications for immunotherapy.