Background/aims: To propose a classification schema to describe periampullary duodenal diverticula (PDD) found at endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP), and to study the characteristics of these diverticula.
Materials and methods: Among 400 consecutive patients in whom an ERCP was performed, PDD were present in 131 (32.8%), being these patients significantly older than the remaining, served as controls.
Results: PDD were classified in 3 different types according to the position of the major duodenal papilla: type I (16.3%), inside the diverticulum; type II (10.2%), in the margin of the diverticulum; and type III (6.5%), near the diverticulum. PDD were not associated with a more difficult cannulation of the biliary tract.
Conclusions: PDD are common, especially in older patients, and do not significantly increase the difficulty of deep cannulation.