Phosphorylcholine (PC) is found attached to N-type glycans of proteins secreted by filarial nematodes, where it appears to act as an immunomodulator. Based on information on the structure and biosynthesis of the PC-glycan of a major secreted protein, ES-62, strategies were designed with potential for preparing PC-free material to better understand the importance of PC in filarial nematode immunomodulation. The strategies involve either enzymatic removal of PC or inhibition of its attachment during ES-62 synthesis. No method tested was found to be 100% effective although approximately 70% removal was obtained by culturing worms in Et18OCH3. Reasons for failure to obtain complete absence of PC moieties are discussed in relation to the structure and synthesis of PC-glycans and in addition PC-glycan biosynthesis is briefly commented on as a target for chemotherapy.