Molecular signals regulating adult neurogenesis in primates are largely unknown. Here the authors used differential display to analyze gene expression changes that occur in dentate gyrus of adult monkeys after transient global cerebral ischemia. Among 14 genes upregulated, the authors focused on Down syndrome cell adhesion molecule (DSCAM) known to play crucial role during neuronal development, and characterized its expression pattern at the protein level. In contrast with approximately threefold upregulation of Dscam gene on days 5 and 7, immunoblotting and immunofluorescence analyses using specific antibodies showed a gradual decrease of DSCAM after ischemia until day 9 followed by recovery on day 15. In the control, immunofluorescence reactivity of DSCAM was detected in dentate gyrus granule cells and CA4 neurons but decreased after ischemia, being compatible with the immunoblotting data. However, in the subgranular zone, cerebral ischemia led to a marked increase of DSCAM-positive cells on days 9 and 15. DSCAM upregulation was seen in two cell types: one is immature neurons positive for polysialylated neural cell adhesion molecule or betaIII-tubulin, while another is astrocytes positive for S100beta. Young astrocytes were in intimate contact with newly generated neurons in the subgranular zone. These data suggest implication of DSCAM in the adult neurogenesis of primate hippocampus upregulated after ischemia.