The polyketide synthase (PKS) for the biosynthesis of the polyether nanchangmycin lacks an apparent thioesterase comparable to the type I thioesterase domains of the modular PKSs responsible for macrolide biosynthesis. Three candidate polyether chain-releasing factors were examined. Both the putative CR domain and the NanE protein appeared to be genetically relevant. Among the three heterologously expressed soluble proteins (recombinant CR domain, the ACP-CR didomain, and NanE) tested, only NanE hydrolyzed the polyether-SNAC. By contrast, recombinant DEBS TE from the erythromycin pathway, and the recombinant MonAX, a type II TE associated with the polyether monensin biosynthesis for which a homolog has not been detected in the nanchangmycin cluster, hydrolyzed a diketide-SNAC but not the polyether-SNAC. We could thus conclude that NanE is a dedicated thioesterase mediating the specific release of the polyether chain during nanchangmycin biosynthesis.