To evaluate a surgical resection in multidisciplinary treatment for clinical stage (c-stage) II and III small cell lung cancer (SCLC) patients, we examined the postoperative prognosis concerning in 18 patients who underwent complete surgical resection. Five-year survival rate of 8 c-stage II and 10 c-stage III patients showed 62.5% and 46.7%, respectively. Of these, 7 patients underwent preoperative induction chemotherapy resulting in down-staging to c-stage 0-I, and their survival rate at 5 years after sugery was as good as 68.6%. However, in 4 (57.1%) of 7 patients, tumor cells proved to be alive by pathological assessment of lymph nodes. As a consequence, it was suggested that surgery for c-stage II and III SCLC patients is a meaningful treatment considering their prognoses. In particular, even though the patients show a favorable response of preoperative chemotherapy, to completely eliminate remnant tumor cells, a surgical resection may be necessary.