Carcinoma of the vagina is a rare entity of cancer, also a primary carcinoma of the neovagina in patients with vaginal agenesia is of rare occurrence.
Case report: We report on a 48-year-old female patient with a squamous cell carcinoma in neovagina after Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuester-Hauser-syndrome. Neovagina was constructed by method of Vecchietti 28 years before. Operative treatment consisted of anterior exenteration with construction of a modified Mainz-1-pouch. There were no complications intra- or postoperative. Microscopic findings showed a G2-differentiated invasive squamous cell carcinoma of the neovagina at stage FIGO III with an infiltration of urethra and the bladder neck. The tumor could be resected completely, no infestation of lymph nodes was observed. In the further process the aftercare is planned. In a systematic literature review 19 female patients with a primary carcinoma of neovagina after agenesia of vagina could be identified.
Conclusions: Female patients with a neovagina require a regular gynaecologic examination in order not to survey a malignant transformation although a malignoma in neovagina is rare. A possible therapy option is the radical operation, there are no data of long-term prognosis at present.