A working group of the Dutch Society for Dermatology and Venereology (NVDV), in collaboration with the Dutch Institute for Health Care Improvement (CBO), has written an evidence-based guideline for the treatment of vitiligo. A distinction is made between generalised or non-segmental vitiligo and localised, including segmental, vitiligo. In patients with generalised vitiligo phototherapy (especially narrow-band ultraviolet B) is the treatment of first choice while in localised vitiligo, this is surgery, particularly autologous skin transplantation (Thiersch grafting, the use of blister epidermis and cell suspensions). However, on the basis of the results of the treatments proposed in the guideline, the working group cannot advise dermatologists to propose a particular treatment to each vitiligo patient they see. On the other hand, the working group is of the opinion that, based on a proper medical examination and an assessment of the disease burden, well-considered advice--and in some cases therapy--should be given to every vitiligo patient who requests it. The benefit of the guideline is that it provides clarity to dermatologists, general practitioners and patients regarding the therapeutic possibilities and limitations.