We used lanthanide-ion doped oxide nanoparticles, Y(0.6)Eu(0.4)VO(4), as donors in fluorescent resonance energy transfer (FRET) experiments. The choice of these nanoparticles allows us to combine the advantages of the lanthanide-ion emission, in particular the long lifetime and the large Stokes shift between absorption and emission, with the detectability of the nanoparticles at the single-particle level. Using cyanine 5 (Cy5) organic molecules as acceptors, we demonstrated FRET down to the single-nanoparticle level. We showed that, due to the long donor lifetime, unambiguous and precise FRET measurements can be performed in solution even in the presence of large free acceptor concentrations. Highly efficient energy transfer was obtained for a large number of acceptor molecules per donor nanoparticle. We determined FRET efficiencies as a function of Cy5 concentration which are in good agreement with a multiple acceptor-multiple donor calculation. On the basis of the donor emission recovery due to acceptor photobleaching, we demonstrated energy transfer from single-nanoparticle donors in fluorescence microscopy experiments.