The visible circular dichroism (CD) spectrum of an R-phycoerythrin (Porphyra tenera) is composed of several positive bands. The protein in aqueous buffer very slowly exhibits changes in the CD spectrum of its chromophores, a band at 489 nm undergoes an increase in intensity and a red shift. When the band reached a 493 nm maximum, the spectrum became very stable. The aggregation state of the protein did not change during this spectral conversion. The chromophore CD spectrum was also obtained in the presence of a low concentration of urea or sodium thiocyanate, and the identical change in the CD was noted, but the change was much faster. The visible absorption and CD in the far UV spectra were unaffected by urea. Unchanged visible absorption and protein secondary structure (61% alpha helix) contradicted by comparatively salient alterations in the visible CD spectra suggested very subtle structural changes are influencing some of the chromophores. For a second R-phycoerythrin (Gastroclonium coulteri), the CD of the chromophores had a negative band on the blue edge of the spectrum. This is the first negative CD band observed for any R-phycoerythrin. Treatment of this protein with low concentrations of urea produced a change in the visible CD with the negative band being completely converted to a positive band. Fluorescence studies showed that the treatment by urea did not affect energy migration. Deconvolution of the CD spectra were used to monitor the chromophores. The results demonstrated that the same aggregate of each R-phycoerythrin could exist in two conformations, and this is a novel finding for any red algal or cyanobacterial biliprotein. The two forms of each protein would differ in tertiary structure, but retain the same secondary structures.