Methyl groups provide an important source of structural and dynamic information in NMR studies of proteins and their complexes. For this purpose sequence-specific assignments of methyl 1H and 13C resonances are required. In this paper we propose the use of 13C-detected 3D HN(CA)C and HMCMC experiments for assignment of methyl 1H and 13C resonances using a single selectively methyl protonated, perdeuterated and 13C/15N-labeled sample. The high resolution afforded in the 13C directly-detected dimension allows one to rapidly and unambiguously establish correlations between backbone HN strips from the 3D HN(CA)C spectrum and methyl group HmCm strips from the HMCMC spectrum by aligning all possible side-chain carbon chemical shifts and their multiplet splitting patterns. The applicability of these experiments for the assignment of methyl 1H and 13C resonances is demonstrated using the 18.6 kDa B domain of the Escherichia coli mannose transporter (IIBMannose).