Two new real-time RT-PCR kits developed by LSI (TaqVet CSF) and ADIAGENE (Adiavet CSF) obtained a manufacturing agreement in France during the past year. For that purpose, the Classical Swine Fever (CSF) National Reference Laboratory (NRL) planned a schedule of conditions to be fulfilled by commercial real-time RT-PCR assays. The producers were asked to introduce an internal control to check the RNA extraction efficacy. The different criteria assessed were: sensitivity, specificity, especially "pestivirus specificity", reproducibility and easy handling, using 187 different samples distributed in four different panels. These samples were either CSFV inactivated strains or organs collected from CSF experimental SPF infected pigs, or naturally infected wild boars. All these samples were previously tested for genome detection using an RT-nested PCR assay and for virus isolation on cell culture. The LSI TaqVet kit was used for the CSF surveillance of wild boars in an area known to be infected, during the winter of 2004-2005. This field evaluation was carried out on 4710 spleen samples. In summary, the new CSF real-time RT-PCR assays have a higher predictive value than the current diagnostic standard, Virus Isolation.