After indications from the literature that nutrient concentrations may modify the toxicity of herbicides to natural periphyton communities, this study aims to provide experimental proof for atrazine. In this microcosm experiment, phosphate (P) addition did not ameliorate atrazine toxicity to periphyton. Three weeks of P addition did not increase atrazine tolerance (measured as EC50 in acute toxicity tests), whereas exposure to atrazine under conditions that were either P-limited or non-P-limited clearly reduced the development of algal biomass. Long-term exposure to atrazine induced tolerance of the community to the herbicide, and this was not influenced by P addition. Tolerance induction in this microcosm experiment has been compared with previously published field data from the same area of study and indicates that tolerance induction by atrazine may take place under atrazine exposure in streams as well as in microcosms.