We wanted to find out if different timing of delayed repair of the hard palate in a two-stage procedure had an impact on the speech of 26 patients with unilateral cleft lip and palate (UCLP). The soft palate was closed at the age of 7 months and the hard palate between 38 and 89 months of age. Speech audio recordings at the age of 3 years (baseline, before any repair of the hard palate) and at the ages of 5, 7, and 10 years (the latter obtained at least one year after closure) were analysed. We used standardised speech assessments at routine follow-up and assessment by one external listener. The prevalence of speech errors caused by the cleft was similar to those described in previous reports from our centre in which hard palate repair was delayed. Unexpectedly, the results showed no difference in speech production related to timing of hard palate repair, except for nasal air leakage at the age of 7 years.