Ammi majus L. accumulates linear furanocoumarins by cytochrome P450 (CYP)-dependent conversion of 6-prenylumbelliferone via (+)-marmesin to psoralen. Relevant activities, i.e. psoralen synthase, are induced rapidly from negligible background levels upon elicitation of A. majus cultures with transient maxima at 9-10 h and were recovered in labile microsomes. Expressed sequence tags were cloned from elicited Ammi cells by a nested DD-RT-PCR strategy with CYP-specific primers, and full-size cDNAs were generated from those fragments correlated in abundance with the induction profile of furanocoumarin-specific activities. One of these cDNAs representing a transcript of maximal abundance at 4 h of elicitation was assigned CYP71AJ1. Functional expression in Escherichia coli or yeast cells initially failed but was accomplished eventually in yeast cells after swapping the N-terminal membrane anchor domain with that of CYP73A1. The recombinant enzyme was identified as psoralen synthase with narrow substrate specificity for (+)-marmesin. Psoralen synthase catalyzes a unique carbon-chain cleavage reaction concomitantly releasing acetone by syn-elimination. Related plants, i.e. Heracleum mantegazzianum, are known to produce both linear and angular furanocoumarins by analogous conversion of 8-prenylumbelliferone via (+)-columbianetin to angelicin, and it was suggested that angelicin synthase has evolved from psoralen synthase. However, (+)-columbianetin failed as substrate but competitively inhibited psoralen synthase activity. Analogy modeling and docked solutions defined the conditions for high affinity substrate binding and predicted the minimal requirements to accommodate (+)-columbianetin in the active site cavity. The studies suggested that several point mutations are necessary to pave the road toward angelicin synthase evolution.