This work shows the potential of using discontinuous electrolyte systems for the separation of tamsulosin enantiomers by CE. Sulfated beta-cyclodextrin was used as a chiral selector. In acidic electrolytes, sulfated beta-cyclodextrin migrates as an anion and the analyte (tamsulosin) migrates as a cation. Due to this, four experimental arrangements were proposed. These arrangements differ in composition of electrolytes in the inlet compartment, in the capillary and in the outlet compartment. The separation of tamsulosin enantiomers in acetate buffers with sodium and Tris counterions was studied. Simultaneous contactless conductivity detection and UV detection were used for the study of the separation mechanism in these systems. Mobilities of sulfated beta-cyclodextrin were used for the calculation of the time when the analyte migrates through the BGE zone with the selector. The simulation program Simul 4.0 was used for the calculations of the concentration profiles of the electrolyte components dependent on the time of the separation. The mechanism of enantioseparation in these arrangements was suggested.