Although the taxonomy of ascomycetes has changed dramatically, generic delimitation within the recently proposed order Coniochaetales has not been resolved. In order to clarify the phylogenetic relationships of genera in the Coniochaetaceae, we performed a molecular study based on the analyses of the sequences of the partial SSU and of the variable domains of the LSU rDNA genes. The phylogenetic trees obtained do not support the monophyly of the genera Coniochaeta, Coniochaetidium, Ephemeroascus, and Poroconiochaeta. A morphological study confirmed that there were not enough differences to distinguish these genera, and the latter three are treated as synonyms of Coniochaeta. The phialidic anamorph proved to be an informative phylogenetic character in Coniochaetales, while that the type of ascomata (cleistothecial or perithecial) and the ornamentation of the ascospore walls were of little taxonomic value at the generic level. The circumscription of the genus Coniochaeta is revised. The genera Coniocessia and Coniolariella are proposed as new within the order Xylariales to accommodate Coniochaeta nodulisporioides, and C. gamsii, respectively. The taxonomic position of Synaptospora and Wallrothiella subiculosa are also discussed.