Complete (17)O chemical shielding (CS) and quadrupole coupling (QC) tensors and their molecular orientations were determined for the central residues in two tripeptides Gly-Gly-Val (GGV) and Ala-Gly-Gly (AGG) by single-crystal NMR methods. Tensor orientations in the two peptides are very similar, however, principal components are different. The most shielded CS and smallest magnitude QC components are normal to the peptide plane, while the most deshielded CS and largest QC components are in the peptide plane either at an angle of 17 degrees (CS) or perpendicular (QC) to the C=O bond. Comparisons of principal components from experiment and DFT calculations indicate that the smaller shielding tensor span in GGV (549 ppm) compared to AGG (606 ppm) is likely due to two factors: a shorter "direct" H-bond distance to the peptide carbonyl oxygen and an "indirect" H bond of the peptide NH to a carboxylate rather than a carbonyl. We anticipate that (17)O NMR should be generally useful for probing H-bonding and local electrostatic interactions in proteins and polypeptides. Using the single-crystal data as an accurate reference, we show that a useful subset of the NMR parameters, QC and CS principal components and their relative orientation, can be obtained with reasonable accuracy from a very high-field (21.2 T), stationary sample powder spectrum.