In a temperature-sensitive, high CO2-requiring mutant of Synechococcus sp. PCC7942, the ability to fix intracellularly accumulated inorganic carbon was severely impaired at non-permissive temperature (41 degrees C). In contrast, inorganic carbon uptake and ribulose-1.5-bisphosphate carboxylase activity in the mutant were comparable to the respective values obtained with the wild-type strain. The mutant was transformed to the wild-type phenotype (ability to form colonies at non-permissive temperature under ordinary air) with the genomic DNA of the wild-type strain. A clone containing a 36 kb genomic DNA fragment of the wild-type strain complemented the mutant phenotype. The complementing activity region was associated with internal 17 kb SmaI, 15 kb HindIII, 3.8 kb BamHI and 0.87 kb PstI fragments. These 4 fragments overlapped only in a 0.4 kb HindIII-PstI region. In the transformants obtained with total genomic DNA or a plasmid containing the 3.8 kb BamHI fragment, the ability to fix intracellular inorganic carbon was restored. Southern hybridization and partial nucleotide sequence analysis indicated that the cloned genomic region was located approximately 20 kb downstream from the structural genes for subunits of ribulose-1.5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase. The cloned region was transcribed into a 0.5 kb mRNA. These results indicate that the cloned genomic region of Synechococcus sp. PCC7942 is involved in the efficient utilization of intracellular inorganic carbon for photosynthesis.