Integration of an orthopedic prosthesis for bone repair must be associated with osseointegration and implant fixation, an ideal that can be approached via topographical modification of the implant/bone interface. It is thought that osteoblasts use cellular extensions to gather spatial information of the topographical surroundings prior to adhesion formation and cellular flattening. Focal adhesions (FAs) are dynamic structures associated with the actin cytoskeleton that form adhesion plaques of clustered integrin receptors that function in coupling the cell cytoskeleton to the extracellular matrix (ECM). FAs contain structural and signalling molecules crucial to cell adhesion and survival. To investigate the effects of ordered nanotopographies on osteoblast adhesion formation, primary human osteoblasts (HOBs) were cultured on experimental substrates possessing a defined array of nanoscale pits. Nickel shims of controlled nanopit dimension and configuration were fabricated by electron beam lithography and transferred to polycarbonate (PC) discs via injection molding. Nanopits measuring 120 nm diameter and 100 nm in depth with 300 nm center-center spacing were fabricated in three unique geometric conformations: square, hexagonal, and near-square (300 nm spaced pits in square pattern, but with +/-50 nm disorder). Immunofluorescent labeling of vinculin allowed HOB adhesion complexes to be visualized and quantified by image software. Perhipheral adhesions as well as those within the perinuclear region were observed, and adhesion length and number were seen to vary on nanopit substrates relative to smooth PC. S-phase cells on experimental substrates were identified with bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) immunofluorescent detection, allowing adhesion quantification to be conducted on a uniform flattened population of cells within the S-phase of the cell cycle. Findings of this study demonstrate the disruptive effects of ordered nanopits on adhesion formation and the role the conformation of nanofeatures plays in modulating these effects. Highly ordered arrays of nanopits resulted in decreased adhesion formation and a reduction in adhesion length, while introducing a degree of controlled disorder present in near-square arrays, was shown to increase focal adhesion formation and size. HOBs were also shown to be affected morphologicaly by the presence and conformation of nanopits. Ordered arrays affected cellular spreading, and induced an elongated cellular phenotype, indicative of increased motility, while near-square nanopit symmetries induced HOB spreading. It is postulated that nanopits affect osteoblast-substrate adhesion by directly or indirectly affecting adhesion complex formation, a phenomenon dependent on nanopit dimension and conformation.