Pathogenesis-related (PR) proteins are often used as a marker of plant defense reactions. Some endo-1,3-beta-glucanase (Gns) genes encode proteins that belong to the PR protein family 2 (PR-2). Although the number of homologous family member genes is significantly greater in hexaploid wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) compared to other model plants, earlier studies did not evaluate the possible contribution of their homologs to hybridization signals in Northern blot analysis. In this study, we have examined whether routine transcriptional analyses of a PR gene is of high reliability or not by isolating six highly similar Gns genes (TaGlb2a, TaGlb2b, TaGlb2c, TaGlb2d, TaGlb2e, and TaGlb2f) and characterizing their expression patterns in detail. While TaGlb2b was shown to be a PR-2 gene, transcription of TaGlb2c and TaGlb2d was not induced upon infection with either powdery mildew (Erysiphe graminis) or head blight (Fusarium graminearum) pathogens; their transcripts were most abundant in healthy spikes (lemmas and in particular paleae). Therefore, in some cases, the conventional analyses do not necessarily provide accurate information on expression pattern of a PR gene in hexaploid wheat. This is also the first report of wheat genes that are specifically expressed in lemma/palea tissues of flowering spikelets.