We studied prospectively the efficacy and safety of basiliximab combined with triple immunosuppression in adult recipients of > or = 1 HLA-mismatched deceased donor renal grafts. All studied patients received equal immunosuppressive drugs: 20 mg infusion of basiliximab on day 0 and on day 4, cyclosporine microemulsion (Neoral), mycophenolate mofetil, and methylprednisolone. An analysis of 1-year data assessed the incidence of acute rejection episodes, safety of this therapy, renal graft function, and patient and graft survivals. One hundred seventy-two patients were studied. The HLA-antigen mismatches were 2.9 +/- 0.9 (mean +/- SD), and the cold ischemia time was 22.0 +/- 7.5 hours. Fifty-three (31.5%) patients experienced delayed graft function. At 12 months, 5 (3.0%) patients experienced acute rejection. Six renal grafts were lost, but not from rejection. Two patients died. Sixty-six infections required treatment in the hospital. One carcinoma of cervix (in situ) and two basal cell carcinomas of skin were detected. Hypersensitivity reactions and cytokine-release syndrome were not observed. At 12 months, serum creatinine was significantly higher (119 +/- 46 micromol/L; P < .001) in patients with delayed graft function than in patients with immediate graft function (99 +/- 26 micromol/L). Patient and graft survivals were 98.8% and 97.1%, respectively. Basiliximab combined with this triple therapy was an efficient and safe immunosuppression strategy, demonstrated with very low incidence of acute rejections, an acceptable adverse event profile, excellent graft function, and high short-term survival rates in adult recipients of deceased donor renal transplant.