Schoolchildren (n = 1310) randomly selected from 32 schools in Samsun, Northern Turkey, were screened using the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood questionnaire. The prevalence of wheezing and current (last 12 months) wheezing were 21% and 14%, respectively: 2.3% of this group had received the diagnosis of asthma by a physician. Allergic skin rash was described in 17.3% and rhinitis in 44.7%, while 2.6% had been diagnosed with eczema and 10.5%, with allergic rhinitis. Respiratory symptoms were more common among 6-7-yr-old children compared with those aged 13-14 yr, and tended to be more prevalent in urban and coastal regions. The discrepancy between the rate of allergic symptoms and diagnosed allergic disorders may indicate a need for increased public and professional awareness and screening for allergic disorders in this area.