Two-component adlayers consisting of cobalt(II) phthalocyanine (CoPc) and a metalloporphyrin such as 5,10,15,20-tetraphenyl-21H,23H-porphine copper(II) (CuTPP), 2,3,7,8,12,13,17,18-octaethyl-21H,23H-porphine copper(II) (CuOEP), or 5,10,15,20-tetraphenyl-21H,23H-porphine cobalt(II) (CoTPP) were prepared by immersing either an Au(111) or Au(100) substrate in a benzene solution containing those molecules. The mixed adlayers thus prepared were investigated in 0.1 M HClO4 by cyclic voltammetry (CV) and in situ scanning tunneling microscopy (STM). The composition of the mixed adlayer consisting of CoPc and CuTPP molecules was found to vary with immersion time. CoPc molecules displaced CuTPP molecules during the modification process with increasing immersion time, and the CuTPP molecules were completely displaced by CoPc molecules in the mixed solution after a prolonged modification time, during which the underlying Au(100) substrate underwent phase transition from the reconstructed (hex) lattice to the unreconstructed (1 x 1) lattice. The two-component adlayer of CoPc and CuTPP was found to form a supramolecular adlayer with the constituent molecules arranged alternately on Au(100)-(hex). The striped structure was stable on Au(100)-(hex) at or near the open circuit potential (OCP), whereas the mixed adlayer was disordered on Au(100)-(1 x 1) at potentials more positive than OCP, where the phase transition of the arrangement of underlying Au atoms (i.e., the lifting of reconstruction) was induced electrochemically. A similar two-component supramolecular adlayer consisting of CoPc and CuTPP was formed on Au(111). A highly ordered, compositionally disordered adlayer of CoTPP and CuTPP was formed on Au(100)-(hex), suggesting that the adlayer structure is independent of the coordinated central metal ion for the formation of supramolecular nanostructures composed of those molecules. A supramolecular organization of CoPc and CuOEP was also found on Au(111). The surface mobility and the molecular reorganization of CoPc and CuOEP on Au(111) were tuned by modulation of the electrode potential. It is concluded that molecular assemblies of the two-component structure consisting of phthalocyanine and porphyrin were controlled not only by the crystallographic orientation of Au but also by the modulation of electrochemical potential.