Objective: To assess the relative frequency of (primary and secondary) mammary lymphomas presenting to a tertiary care hospital, Pakistan and its categorization according to WHO classification of lymphoid neoplasms.
Methods: All NHLs (nodal and extra nodal) diagnosed in the section of histopathology during 1992-2004 were retrieved and reviewed. All patients (n=30) diagnosed with lymphomatous involvement of the breast were selected. Distinction between primary and secondary breast lymphomas was not made owing to lack of availability of clinical information.
Results: A total of 5637 breast malignancies were diagnosed in our department during the study period of 10 years and the total number of NHLs (Nodal and extra Nodal) was 2632. Thirty (n=30) patients accounting for 1.13% were diagnosed to have lymphomatous involvement of the breast. The Female to Male ratio was 13.5:1; age range was 12-92 years with a median age of 43 years (Mean age 46.5 years and Standard deviation of age was 16.88 years). The sites of the lesions were the right breast in 11 cases (37.93%), left breast in 9 cases (31.03%) and both breasts in 2 cases (6.89%), while the location of 8 masses (27.58%) was unknown. Immunohistochemical studies were negative for cytokeratins (MNF and Cam 5.2) in all cases. All cases of DLBCL expressed B cell lineage antigens and were positive for LCA and Pan B (CD20 and 79a).
Conclusion: We concluded that breast lymphomas represent 1.13% of all NHL and 0.5% of all breast malignancies in this study. The most frequent morphologic type was diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. As patients with primary breast lymphoma have a better prognosis than those with carcinoma of the breast or patients with extranodal lymphomas, a multidisciplinary approach including surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy when needed would result in a more favourable outcome.