In the present work the complexity in the 2D-gel protein pattern of murin lenticular alphaA-Crystallin was analyzed. An in depth study of the different protein isoforms was done combining different proteomic tools. Lens proteins of four different ages, from embryo to 100-week-old mice, were separated by large 2D-PAGE, revealing an increase in the number and intensity of the spots of alphaA-Crystallin during the process of aging. For further analyses the oldest mice were chosen. Comparison and evaluation of two different staining methods proved Imidazole-Zinc to be a good alternative to the generally used Coomassie stain. The characterization of the different alphaA-Crystallin protein species was done using nanoLC-ESI-MS/MS (liquid chromatography electrospray ionisation tandem mass spectrometry). Data interpretation was done by database searching, manual validation and a new MS/MS-interpretation tool for posttranslational modifications--the PTM-Explorer. Using this way, eight different phosphorylation sites were identified and localized; the identification of four of them was not published so far. Furthermore, quantitative N-terminal acetylation of alphaA-Crystallin and variable C-terminal truncation was observed, also not published in this extent yet. The results of the mass spectrometric analysis were validated by immunoblotting experiments using two different alphaA-Crystallin specific antibodies. In addition, a fluorescent phospho-specific stain was used to detect the protein spots including phosphorylation groups. Re-separation 2D-PAGE was done to round off the present study and explain the appearance of some of the protein spots in the gel as artifacts of the 2D-PAGE separation.