Purpose: Proline-glycine-proline (PGP) peptides have been identified as inflammatory mediators initiating neutrophil invasion into alkali-injured cornea. The complementary peptide, arginine-threonine-arginine (RTR), has been shown to bind to the PGP sequence and impede neutrophil infiltration. A prior study showed that L-RTR tetramer and D-RTR tetramer, used alternately (14 times a day), resulted in significantly reduced incidences of corneal ulceration and severity. The purpose of this experiment is to determine the effectiveness of both tetramers, used separately, compared with control.
Methods: Rabbit corneas were exposed to 1 N NaOH for 35 seconds. Sixteen animals were randomly assigned to each of 3 groups: 1) phosphate-buffered saline (PBS), 2) 1.5 mM L-RTR, or 3) 800 microM D-RTR. One drop of each was administered hourly (14 times a day) for 36 days. Additional studies were done to assess neutrophil infiltration into corneas with and without RTR treatment.
Results: The severity of corneal ulceration in both RTR groups was statistically significantly different from the 21st day of the experiment to the end. As a result of ulcers healing in the L-RTR group, there was a statistically significant reduction in the number of ulcers beginning on day 22 versus control. Although there was healing in the D-RTR group, the incidence of ulcers was not significantly different from control or L-RTR. Morphometric analysis revealed decreased neutrophil (PMN) invasion with RTR treatment compared with PBS control.
Conclusions: Binding of the PGP molecules by RTR tetramer seems to deprive the cornea of this neutrophilic chemotactic stimulus, leading to a reduction in the severity and incidence of corneal ulceration.