We examined short-term outcomes and posttransplant medical complications under three different immunosuppressive regimens at a single center. The study design was a randomized, prospective, open-label trial comparing a calcineurin inhibitor-free (CNI) protocol to standard triple therapy with tacrolimus, prednisone, and mycophenolate mofetil. They were also compared to a concurrent but nonrandomized third cohort treated with a prednisone-free protocol. All three groups had excellent early outcomes with no significant difference in patient or graft survival or biopsy-proven acute rejection. Serum creatinine was significantly lower in the CNI-free recipients. Lipid panels and posttransplant diabetes mellitus were significantly lower in the prednisone-free patients. Prednisone-free kidney transplant recipients have improved early glucose metabolism and hyperlipidemia compared to CNI-free or standard triple therapy recipients with comparable rejection and graft survival rates.