Acute liver failure is a rare disease that can cause death in the majority of untreated cases. Sudden loss of liver function in the absence of a preexisting liver disease is considered the true form and has to be distinguished from impaired function following exacerbation of an underlying liver disease (acute or chronic failure). Common causes include acute viral hepatitis, drug induced liver injury (DILI) and toxins. The loss of the excretory and synthetic function of the liver marks the clinical presentation and results in icterus, coagulopathy and encephalopathy. Additionally impairment of renal function and sepsis occur and contribute to the high mortality of this disease. The activation of cell death mechanisms (apoptosis) leading to a reductio of viable, functional liver tissue is considered to be an important pathophysiologic mechanism. Curative therapy of this disease includes liver transplantation that has been performed in Germany for the first time in 1969. In the year 2004 a total of 91 liver transplantation were performed for acute liver failure (10.3% of all transplants) in German transplant centers.