The principal aim of this study was to compare the aerial contaminants concentrations between the levels of ventilation rate and determine the variation pattern of aerial contaminants affected by the ventilation rate. As a result, there was not significant difference in total dust and total airborne microorganisms among three levels of ventilation rate (P>0.05) whereas the increased ventilation rate lowered the levels of respirable dust and gaseous compounds (P<0.05). Based on the results, it was concluded that the suspended gases in the confinement pig building generally followed the air streamline formed by the ventilation whereas the ventilation rate had little effect on the gradient of particulates, especially total dust, due to gravity generated by their size and weight. The findings that the concentrations of total airborne microorganisms were not also significantly different among the ventilation rates could be explained in terms of the fact that airborne microorganisms are easily adsorbed on the surface of dust particle.