Aim: Transbronchial needle aspiration (TBNA) is particularly indicated in diagnosing mediastinal masses or lymphoadenopathy proximal to the airways. Nowadays TBNA has not been widely accepted among pulmonologist and thoracic surgeons. Since its correct management could reduce patient morbidity we adopted this method. Here is presented an overview of our experience over a 18-months training period.
Methods: Fifty patients underwent TBNA. They presented non diagnosed paratracheal or peribronchial lymphadenopathy or masses of >1 cm. TBNA has been considered in order to spare patients the need for more invasive diagnostic procedures. TBNA has been performed with flexible bronchoscope and 19-gauge or 21-gauge needle.
Results: We made diagnosis of disease in 25 of 41 patients whose adequate sampling was obtained. 16 cases showed absence of disease despite criteria for adequacy have been confirmed, 9 cases presented an inadequate specimen. The overall diagnostic yield and sensitivity were 50% and 86%. The overall accuracy was 76%. Considering the last 6 months of the training period diagnostic yield increased from 18.7% to 88.2% (P<0.001),accuracy from 56.2% to 88.2% (P=0.04) and frequency of inadequacy decreased from 43.7% to 11.7% (P=0.046).
Conclusions: TBNA resulted a successful diagnostic tool in selected cases as it is safe and permits to spare patients the need for more invasive procedures. These data revealed that experience is mandatory in order to achieve acceptable
Results: We think that an experienced operator should require a training period of approximately 50 procedures to obtain a good technique proficiency.