Tissue microarrays (TMA) are valuable tools for validating results of array-based comparative genomic hybridization (ACGH) and other translational research applications requiring independent verification of genomic gains and losses by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). However, spatial orientation and accurate manual tracking of the TMA cores is challenging and prone to error. Image analysis combined with core tracking software, implemented via an automated FISH scanning workstation, represents a new approach to FISH and TMA-based validation of novel genomic changes discovered by ACGH in breast and other cancers. Automated large-scale tissue microarray validation FISH studies of genomic gains and losses identified by ACGH for breast cancer are feasible using an automated imaging scanner and tracking/classifying software. Furthermore, by leveraging the bifunctional fluorescent and chromogenic properties of the alkaline phosphatase chromogen fast red K and combining the technology with FISH, correlative and simultaneous phenotype/genotype studies may be enabled.