Gliomas of the anterior optic tract (AOT) (optic nerves, chiasms, and visual tracts) are benign slowly growing tumors usually detectable in childhood. These are a rather heterogenic group of tumors. The pattern and course of the disease are frequently affected by the presence of type 1 neurofibromatosis (NF-1) in the patient. The ophthalmological symptoms of AOT lesion in the presence of NF-1 were analyzed in 80 patients aged 1 to 24 years (median 5 years). According to the ophthalmological symptoms and the pattern and extent of lesions to AOT structures, the authors identified 4 groups by the data of neurovisualization techniques (magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography) and revealed that the ophthalmological pattern reflected the site and degree of lesion to AOT structures. At the same time it is shown that there is a group of silent tumors attending without visual disorders. These tumors have the similar neurovisualization pattern, such as a moderate thickening of AOT structures and they occur in 13.8% of cases, as shown by the authors.