Sulcus vocalis is described as a groove at the free edge of the vocal fold. Different types have been described: sulcus type I is superficial and may be considered as moreless physiologic. Sulcus type IIa corresponds to a kind of vergeture along the margin of the vocal fold. Its deepness is variable but sulcus vergeture may involve deeper layers of the lamina propria. Sulcus type IIb or pounch may be considered as an open cyst. Sulcus lead to a complex glottic dysfunction with, in the same time, a glottal leakage responsible for the breathy component of the dysphonia and a stiffness of the free edge responsible for the roughness. Diagnosis may be difficult even with the help of stroboscopy and finally is sometimes done only under general anesthesia. Etiology remains controversial and the authors present arguments for each theory, acquired or congenital. Treatment options include phonosurgery and speech therapy but phonosurgery gives results often disappointing and surgical treatment must be indicated prudently and patient must be intensively informed on what he or she can expect from the treatment that is mainly an increase of the loudness of the voice.