5-S-cysteinyldopa is a well-known pigment intermediate and analysis of its plasma concentration is interesting for the early diagnosis, as well as for evaluation of treatment and follow-up of malignant melanoma. A determination method of 5-SCD in human plasma was developed using solid phase extraction (SPE) on disposable cartridges and liquid chromatography electrospray mass spectrometry (LC-ESI-MS-MS). Compound's sensitivity to light and oxidation requires the addition of anti-oxidative agents (AO), to work in acidic media at 4 degrees C and to avoid light exposure of samples since blood collection. Different solid phases involving covalent binding to phenylboronic groups or dual retention mechanisms were evaluated and extraction cartridges containing both hydrophobic and strong cation exchange functionalities were finally selected. The LC separation of 5-SCD from endogenous catecholamines was achieved by gradient elution on a C18 stationary phase. 5-SCD was detected by multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) performed on ES(+) generated ions. Finally, the method was prevalidated in the lower ng/ml range. Good results with respect to accuracy, trueness and precision were obtained.