The effects of helium, nitrogen, argon and krypton on Echinosphaerium nucleofilum (Heliozoa) have been studied at partial pressures of 10-130 atm. Additional experiments have been carried out with hydrostatic pressure alone. Helium causes shortening of the axopods over the whole range of pressures, and damage to the cell body at pressures of 60-90 atm, both with a maximum at 80 atm. These effects cannot be explained in terms of hydrostatic pressure alone; a 'pressure reversal' effect may be operating, causing the peak at 80 atm. Nitrogen also causes both cell damage and axopod shortening, the severity increasing with increasing pressure. Argon and krypton cause cell damage but no shortening. The order of potency for cell damage is krypton greater than argon greater than nitrogen greater than helium. It is suggested that there may be tuo sites of action, possibly the microtubules (for axopod shortening) and the cell membrane (for cell damage). In appropriate mixtures of helium and argon, both the cell damage usually caused by argon, and the axopod shortening usually caused by helium, are prevented. Possible mechanisms include the effects of hydrostatic pressure on gas solubility coefficients, reversal of the effects of the gases by the increase in total pressure, and competition for sites of action.