Comparison of fibroglandular tissue distributions for microwave tomographic breast images with complementary MR T2 weighted images

Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2004:2004:1314-6. doi: 10.1109/IEMBS.2004.1403413.


We have recently demonstrated good correlation between the recovered permittivity from microwave imaging (MIS) and the recovered water content from near infrared imaging (NIR) for a common set of normal patients undergoing associated breast examinations. We have subsequently conducted a small sample of comparison breast examinations between microwave imaging and MR to assess possible correlation between the location and extent of the fibroglandular as seen on MR images with increased permittivity zones of the microwave images. From various physiological and MR breast studies, it has been shown that the fibroglandular regions are generally comprised of significantly higher levels of water than the more dominant adipose tissue. The initial results of this study are quite encouraging and demonstrate obvious correlations between the permittivity and MR-recovered fibroglandular regions for a set of patients with widely varying tissue type variations. In addition, they illustrate the value of extracting diagnostic information from multiple modalities especially where the amount of direct in vivo property measurements is limited or nonexistent.