Approximately 2% of of all malignant tumours in boys are localised in the testis. Among them 80% are germ cell tumours with the malignant elements of yolk sac tumour. AIM of the study was evaluation of the efficacy of malignant testicular tumour treatment programme in children.
Material and methods: Since 1998 31 boys aged 1 month to 18 years (median 14 years) with malignant testicular tumours were enrolled in the multicentre trial. Patomorphologically clear yolk sac tumour (33%) and mixed germ cell tumour (42%) with the majority of yolk sac tumour component or carcinoma embryonale, occurred most often. Alfa-feto-protein was increased in 63% and choriogonadotropin in 26 patients. 61% patients had local clinical stage and the tumour was localized in the testis. In 39% patients tumour exceeded the testis margin. 4 patients were excluded from analysis as 3 are actually treated and 1 died on the second day of admittance to hospital. All patients received TGM 95 regimen (Tumeurs Germinales Malignes). Surgery (orchidectomy) was applied in 27 boys, 26 were primary (81% complete), 3 secondary (100% complete). 33% received no chemotherapy after surgery, in 41% VBP protocol (vinblastine, bleomycin, cisplatin) was given and in 26%o VIP protocol (ethoposide, ifosphamide, cisplatin). Two patients received also ABK (adriamycine, bleomycin, carboplatin).
Results: Among 26 children with germ cell tumours, 25 (96%) are alive, 23 (88%) are in first remission after completion of treatment. One child died due to central nervous system metastases. 2 children had local recurrence treated with chemotherapy or surgery with good result. Median follow-up is 45 months.
Conclusions: TGM regimen is highly efficient in the treatment of malignant testicular tumours. Problems occur in cases of disseminated disease.