Background: To identify the pattern of protein expression in the retina from a patient with Leber's Congenital Amaurosis (LCA) secondary to a mutation in the AIPL1 gene. The retina from one eye of a patient with LCA and 7 control eyes were studied. The tissue was subjected to high resolution two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, image analysis and mass spectrometry, in an effort to identify differentially regulated proteins.
Results: In the LCA retina seven protein spots were differentially expressed. Six proteins were significantly up-regulated of which three could be identified as: alphaA-crystallin, triosephophate isomerase, and an N-terminal fragment of the beta-chain of ATP synthase. One protein spot that was down-regulated in the LCA retina was identified as a C-terminal fragment of beta-tubulin.
Conclusion: Retinal tissue in LCA is characterised by an up-regulation of alphaA-crystallin, triosephosphate isomerase, and ATP synthase (beta-chain fragment) and down-regulation of a fragment of beta-tubulin. These proteins/protein fragments may play a crucial role for the retinal degeneration processes in LCA and other retinal dystrophies.