The spontaneous beat-to-beat variability of the ventricular repolarization duration was investigated in 21 healthy subjects (age 25-71 years; mean, 40 years) during the basal state in a recumbent position. For each subject, approximately 1,000 consecutive cycles were analyzed with an automated technique. The time series of the RR, QT, and RT intervals generate histograms that approximate normal distributions and have mean standard deviations of 57.0 ms, 5.4 ms, and 4.3 ms, respectively. Spectral analysis was used to detect rhythmical oscillations in these time series. The power spectra densities of both heart rate and ventricular repolarization during show peaks in the same frequency bands: low frequency (0.05-0.12 Hz) and high frequency (0.2-0.4 Hz). The power distribution between these two bands observed in the ventricular repolarization duration spectra was found to be the reverse of that in heart rate spectra (p less than 0.005).