Spin-triplet pairing states in ferromagnet/ferromagnet/d-wave superconductor heterojunctions with noncollinear magnetizations

Phys Rev Lett. 2007 Feb 2;98(5):057005. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.98.057005. Epub 2007 Feb 2.


Tunneling conductance in clean ferromagnet/ ferromagnet/d-wave superconductor (F/F/d-wave S) double tunnel junctions is studied by use of four-component Bogoliubov-de Gennes equations. The novel Andreev reflection appears due to noncollinear magnetizations, in which the incident electron and the Andreev-reflected hole come from the same spin subband, resulting in spin-triplet pairing states near the F/S interface. In the highly polarized Fs case, the conductance within the energy gap exhibits a conversion from a zero-bias dip in the parallel magnetizations to a spilt zero-bias peak in the perpendicular magnetizations.