Driven, at least in part, by the National Institutes of Health roadmap, an increasing number of studies has bridged the chasm between observations in the basic research laboratory and the clinical bedside. These studies have been an integral part in "translating" new discoveries into therapeutic initiatives. However, "translational medicine" has been used less frequently in the development of cardiovascular drugs or in predicting the potential cardiovascular toxicity of non-cardiac agents. Studies in animal models can provide important clues as to the potential cardiotoxicity of new therapeutic agents, as well as providing a template for the rational design of clinical trials. Three examples of drug development programs that might have been altered by clues available from laboratory studies include the development programs for the anti-cancer drug trastuzumab, the cyclooxygenase inhibitors, and the adenosine-receptor agonists and antagonists. Although mouse models may not always represent the physiology of humans, they provide important information that clinical scientists can utilize in designing safe programs for the evaluation of new pharmacologic agents.