The present article is a preliminary report on the effect of Whole Body Vibration (WBV) on the mobility in long-term immobilized children and adolescents. WBV was applied to 6 children and adolescents (diagnoses: osteogenesis imperfecta, N=4; cerebral palsy, N=1; dysraphic defect of the lumbar spine, N=1) over a time period of 6 months. WBV was applied by a vibrating platform constructed on a tilt-table. The treatment effect was measured by alternations of the tilt-angle of the table and with the "Brief assessment of motor function" (BAMF). All 6 individuals were characterized by an improved mobility, which was documented by an increased tilt-angle or an improved BAMF-score. The authors concluded WBV might be a promising approach to improve mobility in severely motor-impaired children and adolescents. Therefore, the Cologne Standing-and-Walking- Trainer powered by Galileo is a suitable therapeutic device to apply WBV in immobilized children and adolescents.