Purpose: To evaluate both the distribution of radiologists of Indian ancestry and nativity in the United States in training and beyond and their representation in hierarchal positions in major radiology organizations.
Materials and methods: The annual membership lists of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) and the ACR over the past decade were analyzed for the number and locations of radiologists of Indian ancestry or nativity. To evaluate the progression and current extent of enrollment of members of this cohort in positions of leadership in radiology organizations, their overall membership and their specific participation in RSNA and ACR committees were tabulated. Their listing in the latest directories of chairpersons and program directors in radiology was assessed. The distribution of ethnic Indian radiologists in training was calculated by examining resident rosters by academic program and state.
Results: Since the passage of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965, individuals of Indian ancestry have constituted a growing minority of radiologists. In 2002, they constituted 5.5% of all RSNA members. Recently, their numbers in training programs have increased greatly. They are now estimated to constitute 13.3% of all residents, predominantly because of the entry of the American-born offspring of Indian immigrants. Yet ethnic Indians are markedly underrepresented in the hierarchy of major radiology organizations. In both 1999 and 2003, there were no Indian-surnamed representatives on most major committees and none in board-level positions of both the ACR and the RSNA. The number of radiologists of Indian birth or background who are program directors has increased slightly over the past 10 years from 2:196 (1%) in 1993 to 7:196 (3.5%) in 2003. The representation of radiologists of Indian ethnicity on the mastheads of both the American Journal of Roentgenology and Radiology remains meager; fewer than 2% of these journals' assistant editors and editors are of Indian ethnicity.
Conclusion: The percentage of radiologists identifiable as Indian by nativity or ethnicity is growing rapidly, predominantly because of an increase in the number of American-born trainees. Yet only a few more senior members of this group have secured positions of leadership in the specialty, restricting the number of ethnically similar role models for Indian junior members of the specialty to emulate.